Project 01

Learn-as-you-go Onboarding

“Life is not scripted. 
We learn with the flow."
Project 01
Learn-as-you-go Onboarding
The Challenge
The client was looking for an onboarding experience that would enable their new team members to describe the overall business idea, its main key-selling points, as well as a few of their services.
Learn-as-you-go Onboarding Experience Video. 
Our Approach
We believe that all learning experiences should be as close as possible to real life situations.
So we designed a journey based on a very familiar scenario, where the new collaborator is about to meet a friend and tell her all about the new job at HairLabs.
The learning journey offered many interactive ways for the user to actively go after the information needed to progress through the experience, in a learn-as-you-go system.
It was important to also portray the company's culture and values throughout the experience, so we built the user interface heavily aligned with their brand identity, and used interactive videos where the company´s leadership had a role in the story and other immersive activities.
Measuring new members' performance was crucial, so we tracked users' activity with xAPI and delivered a data visualisation dashboard where the client can follow KPIs in real time.​​​​​​​
• Key Visuals (Based on the brand's visual guide)
• Scripts
• Articulate Storyline Package
Project 01
Technical Information
​​​​​​​Bloom's Cognitive Objectives
Explain ideas or concepts.
Classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognise, report, select, translate.
Interactivity Level
Level 3: Complex Interactivity
• Scenarios and simulations
• Interactive Videos
• Interactive activities
• Simple personalisation
Tools and Platforms
Google Suite
Adobe Suite (XD, Illustrator, Photoshop, After FX)
Articulate Storyline
Vimeo API
Veracity LRS
An illustrated pine cone.
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